Teaching Your Pup to Enjoy Alone Time

dog home alone

Separation anxiety is a common issue that many dogs experience. While it is natural for dogs to want to be around their owners all the time, it can become problematic when the owners have to leave them alone for periods. Separation anxiety can result in destructive behaviours like barking, howling, digging, and chewing on household items. However, it’s possible to teach your pup to enjoy alone time and prevent separation anxiety from taking over their life. Here’s how: Start Slowly…

Early Socialization For Reducing Anxiety

puppy socialisation

Early socialization is one of the most important things you can do for your dog’s training and overall well-being. Dogs that are not properly socialized at an early age can develop anxiety and fear-based behaviour, which can lead to a range of problems down the line. In this article, we will explore the benefits of early socialization for reducing anxiety in dogs, and how you can begin this process with your furry friend. The key to early socialization is exposing…